Monday, 1 December 2014

Worm Tea 101 Organic Gardening

Worm Composting 101
Red Wigglers for making worm castings and worm tea
Red Wiggler Worms (Eisenia foetida)

Why is worm composting such a good thing?

- It's good for the environment!  Keeping our garbage out of the landfills reduces methane gas released into our environment.
- Recycle your wastes and put it to a good purpose!  Red Wiggler worms consume half their body weight daily in food scraps and organic wastes.
- Using worm compost restores natural soil condition and soil biotics, and thus helps our planet!
- Worm composting is good for your plants
- Worm composting, worm castings, and worm tea are organic, contain no harmful chemicals, and cause no damage to soil, water supply, nor to any living things.

What is so good about Red Wiggler worms?
- There are more nutrients in Red Wiggler castings than in castings from other types of worms.  Red Wiggler worms are the best composting worms - composting is their specialty!
-  Red Wiggler Worms break down compost more quickly than other worms. 

What are worm castings?

Quite simply, it is worm poop

What is in the worm poop?

All sorts of nutrients, vitamins, nematodes, protozoa, fungi, and microorganisms highly beneficial to plants and soil.

What exactly is worm tea and basic overview of how it is made:

-  Worm Tea is made from a combination of highly oxygenated live pond water, chemical free water, worm castings, and other nutrients.
-  Worm tea is brewed by an aerobic oxygenation process which causes proliferous growth of beneficial aerobic microorganisms and which gets rid of harmful ones.

What is the difference between "leachate" and aerobically brewed "worm tea"?  

Leachate is the smelly, unprocessed run-off liquid at the bottom of the worm bin, which can still contain non-beneficial or even harmful anaerobic bacteria.

Why Uncle Wiggleys Worm Tea is better than any other Worm Tea:

Uncle Wiggleys uses an exclusive blend of certain ingredients, based on scientific research, and used only by Uncle Wiggleys, which results in a far superior nutrient content and longer preservation of the beneficial microorganisms present in the worm tea.  Nuff said!  (Uncle Wiggley sez: "Ain't tellin' my secrets"!)

Why is worm tea better than using commercial fertilizers and pesticides?

Use of commercial fertilizers and pesticides results in:

- Permanent damage to the soil
- Destruction of living organisms in healthy soil necessary for plant growth
- Chemicals destroy soil condition
- Wrecks water retention capabilities of the soil 
- Decreased drainage and aeration of the soil
- Kills beneficial insect and bacteria populations
- Damages Ph and normal soil nutrient balance
- Causes overgrowth of harmful bacteria
- Imbalance leads to harmful insect pest invasions and diseases
- Plants are rendered incapable of tolerating heat, drought, pests, and disease.

What are the benefits of worm tea and worm castings?

Worm tea fertilizer and worm castings:

-  Are completely organic and natural and contain no harmful chemicals, do not damage your plants or soil, and do not endanger animal life, nor the water supply or the environment.  Worm tea and worm castings will not harm or burn your plants.
-  A thin film of worm tea sprayed on your soil is equal to 2 inches of rich, nutrient filled compost!
- Uncle Wiggleys Worm Tea and Worm Castings contain a perfectly balanced Ph and combination of nutrients for your plants' optimal health
- The microorganisms in worm tea digest and break down nutrients in soil and make it easier for plants to absorb and use them, resulting in increased plant growth, healthier, more disease and pest resistant plants, bigger fruits and vegetables, and higher production.
- The aerobic brewing process used for making worm tea even makes it superior to compost, because the oxygenation kills the harmful bacteria like E. Coli, which is often present in compost and can contaminate your plants for human consumption for 120 days after using it on your food plants.  So worm tea is safer for humans, too!  (But don't drink it even though it's all organic!)

-Worm tea contains beneficial aerobic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, inoculants, and nematodes essential for proper plant growth which lead to:

   -Greater root depth and extension
   -Healthier, hardier plants
   -Better resistance to disease and pests
   -Larger plants, and larger vegetables, fruit, and flowers
   -Increased crop production 

Worm tea continues to work, conditioning and restoring your soil for a year or more after application.  Repeated use improves your soil even more with every application!  You can't use too much worm tea!  

Using Uncle Wiggleys Worm Tea:

You can spray Uncle Wiggleys Worm Tea on your plants and leaves, pour it on the root zone, or use it on your soil.  For best results, you should apply the worm tea in the morning or late afternoon to protect the beneficial microorganisms in the worm tea from the damaging effects of the UV rays of the sun. 

You can spray the entire surface of your plants and leaves, or pour worm tea on the soil around the plants.  If you use tap water to mix with your Uncle Wiggleys Worm Tea Concentrate, let the water set for 48 hours before using, so the chlorine will evaporate.  Chlorinated water will kill the microbes in the worm tea.  It is better to use your collected rain water, pond water, distilled water, or well water, if you have it.

You can use the worm tea as often and as much as you want - it will not burn your plants like chemical fertilizers do.

How to Use Uncle Wiggleys Worm Tea:

- When used as a foliar spray, the worm tea coats the leaves of the plant with a protective film of beneficial bacteria and organisms, which grow and proliferate, and which crowd out diseases on plant leaves such as black spot, powdery mildew, and fungus.  The film also protects the plant from attack by insect pests like spider mites and aphids..

- When used to water your plants, the nutrients in the worm tea are delivered directly to the roots of the plant in a form immediately and readily absorbed and used by the plant.

- When used as a soil conditioner, the worm tea increases tilth - ie it makes the soil a perfect environment for and encourages growth of beneficial bacteria and other organisms.

- Worm tea makes the soil more water retentive with better aeration.  This protects your plants from heat and drought, and helps maintain the beneficial aerobic microorganisms in your soil which nourish and protect your plants.

Where to Use Uncle Wiggleys Worm Tea:

House Plants - Benefit from foliar spraying to prevent leaf diseases, and a once monthly or as needed watering with Uncle Wiggleys Worm Tea all year round for healthy plant growth.

Garden Plants - Give your garden regular applications of Uncle Wiggleys all through the growing season, to improve aeration and biotics of soil.  Use it either as direct soil application before planting to condition the soil, or soil application or foliar spraying every week or 2, and at critical growing points such as early Spring and rapid early Summer growth stages, at flowering and fruit set.  When the growing season is over, and you prepare your soil for over-wintering, use Uncle Wiggleys on your garden soil to maximize the composting process.

Flowers, Roses, Perennial Shrubs and Trees - Soak them with a good watering at the root zone with Uncle Wiggleys as soon as they come out of dormancy and start growing in the Spring, and at other stages such as vigorous early Summer growth spurt, flowering, and fruit set.

Lawns - Spray with Uncle Wiggleys using a pump sprayer or hose-end sprayer as soon as the grass starts to get green in the Spring and at least once a month or as often as you like during the growing season, and at the end of the season in the Fall for better Spring growth.  

Compost Enhancer - Use a little Uncle Wiggleys Worm Tea on your compost pile every now and then to enhance the composting process in your compost bin!

Is Worm Tea cost-effective?

It sure is!  Compare the price of one gallon of Uncle Wiggleys worm tea concentrate, which makes 32 gallons of worm tea fertilizer, to other commercial fertilizers and pesticides (which destroy your soil and contain harmful chemicals which harm the environment and living things)  Uncle Wiggleys One Gallon Concentrate Refilll is on sale right now for only $42.95  That makes Uncle Wiggleys cost you only $1.25 a gallon!  One gallon covers  one acre of ground with 22 gallons of water.  Where else can you get the best organic liquid fertilizer and pest and disease prevention available for only $1.35 a gallon?

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